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BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: The increasing rate of unemployment in Nigeria is fast becoming a popular subject matter. It is the ideal cynical mechanism, which accounts for why many crimes abound in the society. The quick excuse from most youth, who indulge themselves in anti-social crime, is unemployment. And for obvious reasons, it has also become the most appealing topic of deliberation in the country. This menace can be appropriately handled if entrepreneurial development is adequately encouraged through vocational education. Entrepreneurship as seen in this study is the skill to develop new adventures or apply a new technique to an old business. It entails risks, identifies business opportunity, gathers resources, initiates action and establishes an organization or enterprise to meet such demand or market opportunity. This study presents evidence that promoting entrepreneurship development through Vocational Education can be an effective way of tackling unemployment in Nigeria. The findings also showed that unemployment is a global problem in Nigeria and empowering the youth is a sure ways of diversifying the economic. conclusion and recommendation were also drawn from the study outlines the history and evolution of the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach to Poverty Reduction. As well as defining main concepts and key principles, it introduces the DFID Sustainable Livelihoods Framework as a tool for analysing poverty. It also explains the need to research poverty at household level, as well as the importance of investigating internal power dynamics within households explores the different elements of the DFID Sustainable Livelihoods Framework in depth. It defines and illustrates key aspects of the Vulnerability Context and demonstrates how they affect livelihood assets and strategies. It also examines how Policies, Institutions and Processes enable or disable people’s livelihoods, while promoting an awareness of power relations throughout. Finally, it explains the difference between coping and adaptive strategies in terms of their impact on assets and outcomes.

provides practical guidance on how to conduct a Sustainable Livelihoods Analysis in the field. It outlines the links between the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach/Framework and participatory research methodologies and tools. In order to demonstrate best practice, it provides a step-by-step account of a FAO Sustainable Livelihoods Analysis, followed by a Questions and Answers session with the research consultant who conducted it.

explores practical ways to influence Poverty Reduction using the Approach and Framework. It explores some key mistakes made by development practitioners when designing projects and programmes, while offering some examples of Sustainable Livelihoods best practice in the field. It concludes with an in-depth interview with Oxfam Ireland’s Livelihoods Programme Co-ordinator.


Nigeria's unemployment rate has risen to the point that it can no longer be handled by a simple campaign or word of mouth. To create a long-term solution, it took the joint efforts of both people and the government of the country in general, as well as the rest of the globe. Unemployment in Nigeria has had a wide range of socio-economic consequences for the young and the country's economic growth. Unemployment, particularly among graduates, obstructs Nigeria's growth in a variety of ways. Apart from the economic waste it has caused, it has also caused political turmoil in the country (Ipaye, 1998). According to Ezie (2012), Nigeria's unemployment situation is alarming, and it's much more depressing that the country's economic position prevents it from absorbing an ideal proportion of its labor force. Because an idle mind is always the devil's workshop, this circumstance has led to the recent surge in crimes and other social vices experienced in our society. Another issue affecting Nigeria's job status is the generation of electricity. Nigeria's inadequate electricity generation has contributed to the country's high unemployment rate. Despite the efforts of both the previous and current administrations to resolve the problem of epileptic power supply, the country has seen little or no improvement. Because of the electricity crisis, companies, organizations, and agencies that are supposed to offer much-needed employment are fleeing the country in search of better possibilities, leaving our workforce unemployed. This paper is dedicated to addressing some of these issues.


The overall goal of the research is to:

  1. Investigate whether unemployment contributes to unsustainable livelihoods among Nigeria's adolescents and youths.

  2. Investigate if counselling plays a positive role in establishing sustainable livelihoods among Nigerian adolescents and young people.

  3. Investigate ways in which sustainable livelihoods for Nigeria's adolescents and youths can be achieved.


The following research questions guide the objective of the study.

  1. Does unemployment contribute to unsustainable livelihoods among Nigeria's adolescents and youths?

  2. Will counselling play a positive role in establishing sustainable livelihoods among Nigerian adolescents and young people?

  3. What are the ways sustainable livelihoods among Nigeria's adolescents and youths can be achieved?


This research will also add to the current body of literature on this subject and will also act as a resource for academics, researchers, and students interested in conducting future research on this or a similar topic.


The research covers the assessment of counselling for sustainable livelihoods with target clients (Nigerian adolescents and youths) and it will look into the causes of unsustainable livelihoods among Nigerian adolescents and youths as well as possible solutions.


The study was limited to the youths and adolescents of Nigeria. Therefore, all conclusions would be based on the response of that particular region.


COUNSELLING: the provision of professional assistance and guidance in resolving personal or psychological problems.

SUSTAINABLE LIVELIHOODS: Sustainable livelihoods emerge at the intersection of development and environmental studies to offer a new way to think about work, especially the work of vulnerable populations. 

ADOLESCENTS: people aged 10-19 years

AND YOUTHS: youth are those between 15-24 years old.
